Relove Customer Form

With relove, we're extending our products lifetime, one bag and journey at a time, cutting down on unecessary waste and breating new life into the meaning of circularity. We understand that as enduring as farans products are, sometimes you fall out of love. Sometimes they don't quite fit your extensive travel plans. And sometimes, you end up loving an item 'to bits' - literally! That's where Relove comes in...

  • Earn up to 30% of your items original value!

    If your item is in great condition and suitable for direct resale, you could earn up to 30% of its original value, ready to be put towards your next travel.

  • Earn up to 25% of your items original value!

    Just because your product has a few bumps and bruises doesn't mean its worthless. Send it back to us for up to 25% of its original value and use you credit to choose a brand new fenella or farans item.

  • Earn up to 15% of your items original value!

    Has your product experienced some major travel damage? Don't worry, even the most damaged and worn out items are still useful to us and can be sent back for up to 15% of its original.

1. Enter your original order details

Simply find your order number from your original order with us (this can be found on your order confirmation email) and enter this, as well as the name of the product you wish to return and your email address

2. Describe your items condition using one the following phrases

Good as New: Items that show very little sign of use and no areas of damage.

Well Travelled: Items that have 1 - 3 small scratches, marks or stains however are still functional with no major damage

Seasoned Explorer: Items that have more than 5 obvious scratches, marks or stains or have experienced damage to the zip or handle and cannot be used for their intended purpose

3. Submit your relove form

Once all details have been filled in, submit your relove form. This will be recieved by one of our relove team who will approve your return and respond to you within 24 hours with a Credit Quote based on the details provided. You will then be provided with a link to generate your free return label, package your item and send it to us!

4. We'll recieve and verify your item

As soon as this arrives with us, we'll check your item and verify the condition you described. We'll then email over your discount code to use on your next purchase with

5. Shop at fenella!

Whilst your old item takes its next steps, head to the fenella site to find your next trusted travel companion, using your discount code at checkout.